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We take pride in offering a diverse range of products that adhere to the highest industry standards for safety, durability, and sustainability.
Explore our selection of furniture, all backed by a variety of prestigious certifications, ensuring that your choice is not only stylish but also smart. Click to see our product offerings within each category and make a confident decision for your workspace or home.
- Strength & stability
Strength and stability certifications are vital for furniture, particularly in non-domestic and commercial settings. They guarantee that furniture can withstand various conditions, ensuring longevity and safety in high-demand environments.
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- Fire resistance
Fire resistance certifications are essential for furniture and upholstery materials, ensuring they meet strict standards for ignition resistance and flame retardancy. These certifications mitigate fire hazards, enhancing safety.
View 2 certifications
- Environmental
Environmental certifications focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness. They guarantee that furniture products meet stringent criteria for eco-friendly materials, resource conservation, and reduced environmental impact.
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- Forestry
Forestry certifications promote responsible and sustainable wood sourcing for furniture production. They verify that wood comes from forests managed in accordance with environmental and social standards, fostering ethical sourcing and biodiversity conservation.
View 3 certifications
- Electrical
Electrical certifications ensure the safety and performance of lighting fixtures and electronic furniture components. They verify compliance with specific electrical standards and safety criteria, ensuring reliability and safety.
View 11 certifications